Low Testosterone in Men
Low testosterone in men is no joking matter. As human beings we need testosterone, we need adequate levels for proper function. As men we need more than women; quite a bit more and for this reason the treatment of low testosterone in men has increasingly become of greater importance. For many years hormone replacement therapy has been very common place for women; women get older, their hormone levels get out of line and therapy is introduced. Essentially this is the same thing that happens here; men get older, their testosterone levels drop, as a result a host of symptoms develop and therapy is introduced. However, by many, low testosterone in men is often ignored and viewed as simply getting older. On the surface this is a correct observation; you get older, your test levels drop but they don't have to (in a sense.)
Low Testosterone in Men, The Symptoms:
If you suffer from low testosterone no, it won't kill you but it can make your life more miserable than it has to be. There are a handful of common symptoms associated with low testosterone in men and once you see them it will be easy to understand how this is often ignored and passed over as simply old age.
Common low testosterone symptoms include:
- Lethargy
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Higher Body Fat
- Loss of Strength
- Decreased Muscle Tissue
All of the symptoms are treatable; not only are they treatable but we can improve the aspect of each one and often dramatically. By improving these various aspects of your life not only will you enjoy a happier life but a more pleasing one too.
Low Testosterone in Men, The Solution:
If you are a candidate for treatment there is really only one solution. Sure, some doctors will tell you to first start eating better and exercising more to see if this doesn't improve your levels. While you should be doing these things any way understand, this will only slightly increase your testosterone levels; only slightly if at all. To be honest many doctors won't offer the true solution to begin with because they understand it about as much as you; for this reason you are highly advised to seek out a hormone replacement clinic or rejuvenation clinic where there are doctors who specialize in the treatment of low testosterone in men. The actual solution and for those of you that are unfamiliar with the topic this may come as a surprise; the solution is anabolic steroids. That's right, anabolic steroids, the same ones you hear about in the news every single day. Have you seen the commercials asking if you believe you suffer from Low-T? They're referring to low testosterone and the only treatment in the world for this is anabolic steroids. In almost all cases the anabolic steroid testosterone will be prescribed; yes, testosterone is an anabolic steroid, an anabolic steroid your body naturally makes but in your case is running a little short of. You will not be given doses comparable to what is often used in the performance enhancing world but you will be given the same anabolic steroid; testosterone is simply testosterone regardless of the purpose for which it's used and for the treatment of low testosterone in men it is truly the only true option.
Now that you understand anabolic steroids are the primary medication for the treatment of low testosterone in men, those who are unfamiliar with steroids and hormones in general are going to be understandably nervous. After all, for years you've been told if you look at steroids, if you think about steroids, much less use them they will kill you; now you're being told you need to use them, it's a little confusing, we understand. Let's ease your mind and shed simple truth you've probably never been told. Anabolic steroids are hormones; the most basic of these hormones is testosterone, a hormone your body makes and if you're healthy has made in abundance for many years. To treat the symptoms of low testosterone in men a synthetic version of the exact same hormone must be introduced. By the 'Same' we mean your body will not know any difference. It's when anabolic steroids are abused, taken in excess that we can run into problems; although understand, the definition of 'excess' and 'problems' is another topic you should examine because more than likely you've been misled here to.
The End Game:
In the end it is very simple; low testosterone in men is treatable, very treatable and if you suffer from the symptoms listed above, any of them, see your doctor immediately. No, it's not a life or death issue but the improvements in your life will be so vast that we can guarantee you will kick your own ass for not going to the doctor sooner to treat this very treatable problem.